



Service 概述#

Service 特点
Service 也是 AMS 所管理的对象
Service 可以单独启动,而不用跟随 Activity 一起启动 (但同样要启动该 Service 所属的进程,也就是 ActivityThread
AMS 会通知 ActivityThread 来启动 Service
一般 App 启动 Service 有两种方式
通过 Context#startService 来启动指定 Service
通过 Context#bindService 绑定 Service

绑定 Service#

public class TestService extends AppCompatActivity {
    // 匿名类
    private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);
        bindService(intent, serviceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
            // 向下转型(当然你也可以用Binder提供的方法)
            MyService.MyBindClass bindClass = (MyService.MyBindClass) iBinder;	

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {

ContextImpl - bindService 调用 AMS 注册 Receiver#

Context 的实作类是 ContextImpl类 (原因可以看看 Activity#attach 函数,这里就不细讲),所以在使用 bindService 的时候,实作类就是 ContextImpl
取得 IServiceConnection 对象:透过 LoadApk#getServiceDispatcher取得 IServiceConnection 对象,IServiceConnection 是 APP 端 IBinder Server 对象将来让 AMS 做回调用 (下个小节说明)
取得 Binder Proxy 访问 AMS:ActivityManager#getService取得 Binder 代理类,透过代理类呼叫AMS#bindIsolatedService 方法


    final @NonNull LoadedApk mPackageInfo;

    public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags) {

        return bindServiceCommon(service, conn, flags, null, mMainThread.getHandler(), null,

    private boolean bindServiceCommon(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags,
            String instanceName, Handler handler, Executor executor, UserHandle user) {

        IServiceConnection sd;

        // 判空
        if (conn == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection is null");
        if (handler != null && executor != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Handler and Executor both supplied");

        // mPackageInfo 类型 LoadedApk
        if (mPackageInfo != null) {

            // @ 1. 主要是要透过 LoadedApk#getServiceDispatcher,包裝出 IServiceConnection 
            if (executor != null) {
                sd = mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher(conn, getOuterContext(), executor, flags);
            } else {
                sd = mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher(conn, getOuterContext(), handler, flags);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Not supported in system context");

        try {

            ... 省略部分

                // @ 2. 分析 AMS#bindIsolatedService 方法
            int res = ActivityManager.getService().bindIsolatedService(
                mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), getActivityToken(), service,
                sd, flags, instanceName, getOpPackageName(), user.getIdentifier());

            // 绑定结果
            if (res < 0) {
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "Not allowed to bind to service " + service);
            return res != 0;
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

IServiceConnection 创建 Binder 回调 - Service 连线#

分析 LoadedApk#getServiceDispatcherCommon 方法:可以发现它主要在创建 IServiceConnection 接口,该接口之后会让 AMS 做回调
检查 Cache:首先检查本地缓存是否有该 Service 的 Binder 回调(Context 作为 Key),如果有的话直接返回,否则创建 ServiceDispatcher 对象
如果没有就创建 LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher 对象
透过 getIServiceConnection 取得 Binder Server 回调接口


public final class LoadedApk {

    // ServiceDispatcher 的缓存
    private final ArrayMap<Context, ArrayMap<ServiceConnection, 
        LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>> mServices = new ArrayMap<>();

    public final IServiceConnection getServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection c,
            Context context, Handler handler, int flags) {
        // @ 追踪 getServiceDispatcherCommon
        return getServiceDispatcherCommon(c, context, handler, null, flags);

    private IServiceConnection getServiceDispatcherCommon(ServiceConnection c,
            Context context, Handler handler, Executor executor, int flags) {

        synchronized (mServices) {
            LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = null;
            ArrayMap<ServiceConnection, LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> map = 

            // 1. 判断缓存
            if (map != null) {

                sd = map.get(c);    // 有缓存

            if (sd == null) {
                // @ 2. 没缓存,直接创建 (根据回传的接口进行创建)
                if (executor != null) {
                    sd = new ServiceDispatcher(c, context, executor, flags);
                } else {
                    sd = new ServiceDispatcher(c, context, handler, flags);


                if (map == null) {
                    map = new ArrayMap<>();
                    mServices.put(context, map);
                map.put(c, sd);
            } else {
                sd.validate(context, handler, executor);

            // 3. 分析 LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher#getIServiceConnection
            return sd.getIServiceConnection();


ServiceDispatcher 类:是 LoadedApk 的静态内部类,真正给 AMS 回调的 Binder 是 InnerConnection 类,当 AMS 回调时会呼叫 connected 方法
创建 IServiceConnection.Stub 给 AMS 回调
AMS 回调实,会创建 RunConnection 对象,让 Handler or Executor 呼叫
App 端 IServiceConnection 服务实作,类关系图


public final class LoadedApk {

    static final class ServiceDispatcher {

        private final ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection mIServiceConnection;

        private static class InnerConnection extends IServiceConnection.Stub {

            // 弱引用
            final WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> mDispatcher;

            InnerConnection(LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd) {
                mDispatcher = new WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>(sd);

            // AMS 在呼叫时会使用 connected 方法
            public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead)
                    throws RemoteException {
                LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = mDispatcher.get();
                if (sd != null) {
                    // @ 分析 connected
                    sd.connected(name, service, dead);

        // 建构式
        ServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection conn,
                    Context context, Handler activityThread, int flags) {

            // 创建 InnerConnection 对象
            mIServiceConnection = new InnerConnection(this);

            ... 省略部分參數


        IServiceConnection getIServiceConnection() {
            // 实现类实作 IServiceConnection.Stub 
            return mIServiceConnection;

        public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead) {
            // 如果有设定Executor就通过Executor通知
            if (mActivityExecutor != null) {
                // 通过 Executor
                mActivityExecutor.execute(new RunConnection(name, service, 0, dead));
            } else if (mActivityThread != null) {
                // @ 透过 Handler (ActivityThread#H 类)
       RunConnection(name, service, 0, dead));
            } else {
                doConnected(name, service, dead);


AMS 透过 Binder 回调 - ServiceConnection#

RunConnection 类:是一个 Runnable,以目前状况来说是使用 Handler,这个 Runnable 会传到ActivityThread#H类(也是个 Handler)让它回调


    private final class RunConnection implements Runnable {

        // 构建
        RunConnection(ComponentName name, IBinder service, int command, boolean dead) {
            mName = name;
            mService = service;
            mCommand = command;
            mDead = dead;

        public void run() {
            // 目前传入的 mCommand = 0
            if (mCommand == 0) {
                // @ 分析 doConnected 方法
                doConnected(mName, mService, mDead);
            } else if (mCommand == 1) {
                doDeath(mName, mService);

        final ComponentName mName;
        final IBinder mService;
        final int mCommand;
        final boolean mDead;

ServiceDispatcher#doConnected 方法:对 App 传入的 ServiceConnection 接口进行回调,并有多个状况如下

是否同名 Server cache目标 IBinder 状态说明处理行为
Y比对不相同已连线,但取得不同 IBinder 代理1. 先断线 onServiceDisconnected2. 再次连线 onServiceConnected
NIBinder 不为空第一次连线连线呼叫 onServiceConnected

    private final ServiceConnection mConnection;

    public void doConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service, boolean dead) {
        ServiceDispatcher.ConnectionInfo old;
        ServiceDispatcher.ConnectionInfo info;

        synchronized (this) {

            old = mActiveConnections.get(name);
            // 1. 判断是否已经绑定&&是同一个Binder
            if (old != null && old.binder == service) {
                // Huh, already have this one.  Oh well!

            if (service != null) {
                // 开始联机新Service
                info = new ConnectionInfo();
                info.binder = service;
                info.deathMonitor = new DeathMonitor(name, service);
                try {
                    service.linkToDeath(info.deathMonitor, 0);
                    mActiveConnections.put(name, info);
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    // This service was dead before we got it...  just
                    // don't do anything with it.
            } else {
                // Service disconnect 从缓存中移除

            if (old != null) {
                old.binder.unlinkToDeath(old.deathMonitor, 0);
        // 2. 如果是旧连接,呼叫onServiceDisconnected断开但不同IBinder
        if (old != null) {

        if (dead) {
        } else {
            // If there is a new viable service, it is now connected.
            if (service != null) {

                // 3. 呼叫 onServiceConnected (回到使用者接口)
                mConnection.onServiceConnected(name, service);
            } else {

AMS - 启动、绑定 Service 过程#

客户端 APP 透过ContextImpl#bindService,来触发AMS#bindIsolatedService方法,绑定 APP & Service
检查 Service Intent 必须要有 FileDescriptors
呼叫 ActiveServices#bindServiceLocked 方法


    // 存活的 Servcie 列表
    final ActiveServices mServices;

    public int bindIsolatedService(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token, Intent service,
            String resolvedType, IServiceConnection connection, int flags, String instanceName,
            String callingPackage, int userId) throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        // 1. 检查 intent
        // intent 必须要有 FileDescriptors
        if (service != null && service.hasFileDescriptors() == true) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");

        // 检查客戶端包名
        if (callingPackage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("callingPackage cannot be null");

        ... 省略部分

        // 函数取名中有 Lock 的原因,对呼叫线程堵塞
        synchronized(this) {

            // @ 2. 呼叫 ActiveServices#bindServiceLocked
            return mServices.bindServiceLocked(caller, token, service,
                    resolvedType, connection, flags, instanceName, callingPackage, userId);


ActiveServices#bindServiceLocked 方法
检查呼叫者进程是否存在(可能已被 kill),若不存在则抛出
透过 retrieveServiceLocked 方法:去 PKMS 中找到对应的 Service 信息
App 端设定的 BIND_AUTO_CREATE Flag 若有设置该 Flag,就会透过 bringUpServiceLocked 方法 自动创建该 Service
透過 requestServiceBindingLocked 方法:要求綁定 Service,這個函數包含了第一次綁定 & 重新綁定的功能 (差異在最後一個參數)


    int bindServiceLocked(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token, Intent service,
            String resolvedType, final IServiceConnection connection, int flags,
            String instanceName, String callingPackage, final int userId)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        // 呼叫者 Pid、Uid
        final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
        final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();

        // 1. 透过AMS寻找呼叫者进程
        final ProcessRecord callerApp = mAm.getRecordForAppLOSP(caller);

        if (callerApp == null) {
            // 抛出错误
            throw new SecurityException(
                    "Unable to find app for caller " + caller
                    + " (pid=" + callingPid
                    + ") when binding service " + service);


        //2. 搜寻PKMS中的Service
        ServiceLookupResult res =
            retrieveServiceLocked(service, instanceName, resolvedType, callingPackage,
                    callingPid, callingUid, userId, true,
                    callerFg, isBindExternal, allowInstant);

        // 若没有res代表没有该Service
        if (res == null) {
            return 0;

        // 判断其中的 ServiceRecord
        if (res.record == null) {
            return -1;

        ServiceRecord s = res.record;


        try {

            // 自动启动 Service
            if ((flags&Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) != 0) {
                s.lastActivity = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                needOomAdj = true;

                // 自动启动 Service
                if (bringUpServiceLocked(s, service.getFlags(), callerFg, false,
                        permissionsReviewRequired, packageFrozen, true) != null) {
                    return 0;


            AppBindRecord b = s.retrieveAppBindingLocked(service, callerApp);

            // Service 连接纪录
            ConnectionRecord c = new ConnectionRecord(b, activity,
                connection, flags, clientLabel, clientIntent,
                callerApp.uid, callerApp.processName, callingPackage);

            ... 調整 OomAdj 數值

            // 判斷 Service 進程是否啟動 (app 就是 ProcessReocrd)
            if ( != null && b.intent.received) {

                try {
                   // 透过使用者传入的接口进行进行回掉
				   // 上个小节有分析过(conn就是IServiceConnect),最终会呼叫到onServiceConnected
                    c.conn.connected(, b.intent.binder, false);
                } /* 省略 catch */

                // 如果当前应用进程是第一个与Service进程绑定的
				//  &&有调用过doRebind方法
                if (b.intent.apps.size() == 1 && b.intent.doRebind) {
                    // 最后一个参数表示,是否重新绑定
					//  @分析requestServiceBindingLocked方法
                    requestServiceBindingLocked(s, b.intent, callerFg, true);

            } else if (!b.intent.requested) {    // 应用端没有绑定过
                // 最后一个参数表示,是否重新绑定
                requestServiceBindingLocked(s, b.intent, callerFg, false);


        } finally {

        return 1;

ActiveServices#requestServiceBindingLocked 方法:针对传入的 ServiceRecord 来进行判断、操作
检查 ServiceRecord 指定的进程是否起动(检查 ProcessRecord & IApplicationThread 是否存在),也就是检查 Service 是否启动
目前假设 Service 目标进程已经启动,那就会透过该进程内实现的IApplicationThread#requestServiceBindingLocked回到目标进程内


    private final boolean requestServiceBindingLocked(ServiceRecord r, 
          IntentBindRecord i,
          boolean execInFg, 
          boolean rebind) throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        // 检查 ProcessRecord & 其中的 Service#IApplicationThread 是否存在
        if ( == null || == null) {
            // If service is not currently running, can't yet bind.
            return false;

        ... Bebug 訊息

        // 客户端没绑定过or呼叫Service要重新绑定
        if ((!i.requested || rebind) && i.apps.size() > 0) {

            try {
                // 通知 IApplicationThread (App端实线) 的 scheduleBindService 方法
                // 分析 scheduleBindService 方法
      , i.intent.getIntent(), rebind,

                if (!rebind) {
                    i.requested = true;

                i.hasBound = true;
                i.doRebind = false;
            } /* 省略 catch */

        return true;

App 进程 - Service#onBind 呼叫#

ActivityThread - scheduleBindService 进入 Service 所在进程做绑定
创建 BindServiceData 对象,储存 ServiceRecord & Intent 信息
Server 进程收到 Binder 通信通知后,透过 Handler 对主线程发送 BIND_SERVICE 信息
主线程接收到 BIND_SERVICE 消息后,呼叫 handleBindService 方法,如果是第一次绑定就 1. 呼叫该 Service 的 onBind 方法,再接着 2. 呼叫AMS#publishService 方法


    private class ApplicationThread extends IApplicationThread.Stub {

        ... 省略其他方法

        public final void scheduleBindService(IBinder token, Intent intent,
                boolean rebind, int processState) {

            // 1. 创建BindServiceData对象,储存ServiceRecord & Intent
            BindServiceData s = new BindServiceData();
            // token 就是 ServiceRecord
            s.token = token;
            s.intent = intent;
            s.rebind = rebind;

            ... Debug 訊息

            // 2. 对主线程发送BIND_SERVICE信息
            sendMessage(H.BIND_SERVICE, s);

    class H extends Handler {

        public static final int BIND_SERVICE = 121;

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

            ... 省略其他 case

            case BIND_SERVICE:
                ... 省略 trace


    private void handleBindService(BindServiceData data) {
        // token 就是 ServiceRecord
        CreateServiceData createData = mServicesData.get(data.token);

        // 查看缓存
        // mServices在handleCreateService时就会被添加
        Service s = mServices.get(data.token);

        // 若取不到,则代表Service尚未启动
        if (s != null) {
            try {

                try {
                    if (!data.rebind) {
                        // 3. 第一次绑定就呼叫onBind、AMS#publishService方法
                        IBinder binder = s.onBind(data.intent);

                        // publishService代表Server已经启动
                                data.token, data.intent, binder);
                    } else {
                        // 重新绑定则呼叫onRebind
                                data.token, SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_ANON, 0, 0);
                try {
                    // 通知AMS该Service正在运行中
                            data.token, SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_START, data.startId, res);
                }  /* 省略 catch */
            } /* 省略 catch */

Service 发布 - 通知所有使用者#

若 Service 进程启动第一次启动,就会呼叫AMS#publishService方法


    // token 就是 BindServiceData
    public void publishService(IBinder token, Intent intent, IBinder service) {
        // Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
        if (intent != null && intent.hasFileDescriptors() == true) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");

        synchronized(this) {
            if (!(token instanceof ServiceRecord)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid service token");
            // 分析 publishServiceLocked 方法
            mServices.publishServiceLocked((ServiceRecord)token, intent, service);

ActiveServices)#publishServiceLocked 透过 ServiceRecord 取得所有与该 Serice 有连接的 APP 端,并逐一进行通知


    // token 就是 BindServiceData
    void publishServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r, Intent intent, IBinder service) {

        final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
        try {
            ... debug 訊息

            if (r != null) {

                // 取得该Service的绑定信息
                IntentBindRecord b = r.bindings.get(filter);

                if (b != null && !b.received) {
                    b.binder = service;
                    b.requested = true;
                    b.received = true;

                    // 透过ServiceRecord取得,所有与该Service联机的纪录
                    ArrayMap<IBinder, ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>> connections = r.getConnections();

                    for (int conni = connections.size() - 1; conni >= 0; conni--) {
                        ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = connections.valueAt(conni);
                        // 遍历每个联机纪录
                        for (int i=0; i<clist.size(); i++) {
                            // 当前联机纪录
                            ConnectionRecord c = clist.get(i);
                            try {
                                // conn 是 IServiceConnect
                                // 分析 IServiceConnect#connected 方法
                                c.conn.connected(, service, false);
                            } /* 省略 catch */

        } finally {


启动 Service#

public class TestService extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

ContextImpl startService 呼叫 AMS#

透过 ActivityManager 作为代理类访问 AMS 的 startService 方法,这边可以看出来 startService 并没有回调,但是 可以通过返回 ComponentName 判断是否启动成功


    public ComponentName startService(Intent service) {
        return startServiceCommon(service, false, mUser);

    private ComponentName startServiceCommon(Intent service, boolean requireForeground,
            UserHandle user) {

        try {

            // 透过代理类访问AMS#startService
            ComponentName cn = ActivityManager.getService().startService(
                    mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), service,
                    service.resolveTypeIfNeeded(getContentResolver()), requireForeground,
                    getOpPackageName(), getAttributionTag(), user.getIdentifier());
            if (cn != null) {
                // 没有权限去启动Service
                if (cn.getPackageName().equals("!")) {
                    throw new SecurityException(
                            "Not allowed to start service " + service
                            + " without permission " + cn.getClassName());
                } else if (cn.getPackageName().equals("!!")) {
                    // 无法启动Service
                    throw new SecurityException(
                            "Unable to start service " + service
                            + ": " + cn.getClassName());
                } else if (cn.getPackageName().equals("?")) {
                    // 不允许启动Service
                    throw ServiceStartNotAllowedException.newInstance(requireForeground,
                            "Not allowed to start service " + service + ": " + cn.getClassName());
            ... 省略部分
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

AMS - 启动 Service 过程#

检查 Intent 是否包含 FileDescriptors
呼叫 ActiveServices#startServiceLocked 方法


    final ActiveServices mServices;

    public ComponentName startService(IApplicationThread caller, Intent service,
            String resolvedType, boolean requireForeground, String callingPackage,
            String callingFeatureId, int userId)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        // 检查Intent
        if (service != null && service.hasFileDescriptors() == true) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");

        // 检查Package
        if (callingPackage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("callingPackage cannot be null");

        ... debug 訊息

        synchronized(this) {
            // 取得呼叫者的 pid & uid
            final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
            final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();

            final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();

            ComponentName res;
            try {
                // mServices类型是ActiveServices
                // 分析startServiceLocked方法
                res = mServices.startServiceLocked(caller, service,
                        resolvedType, callingPid, callingUid,
                        requireForeground, callingPackage, callingFeatureId, userId);
            } finally {
            return res;

1. 检查目前装置(同样是透过 PKMS)是否有指定 Service,查看 retrieveServiceLocked 方法
2. 找到指定 ServiceRecord


    // caller 是呼叫者
    ComponentName startServiceLocked(IApplicationThread caller, Intent service, String resolvedType,
            int callingPid, int callingUid, boolean fgRequired,
            String callingPackage, @Nullable String callingFeatureId, final int userId,
            boolean allowBackgroundActivityStarts, @Nullable IBinder backgroundActivityStartsToken)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        ... 省略部分

        // 1. 检查目前装置是否有指定Service,查看retrieveServiceLocked方法
        ServiceLookupResult res =
            retrieveServiceLocked(service, null, resolvedType, callingPackage,
                    callingPid, callingUid, userId, true, callerFg, false, false);
        // 找不到 Service
        if (res == null) {
            return null;

        ServiceRecord r = res.record;
        ... 省略部分
        // 2. 找到的ServiceRecord就是用于描述一个Service
        return startServiceInnerLocked(r, service, callingUid, callingPid, fgRequired, callerFg,
                allowBackgroundActivityStarts, backgroundActivityStartsToken);


ServiceRecord 用于描述一个 Service,类似于 ActivityRecord 描述一个 Activity

APP 端描述AMS 中描述

ActiveServices - 透过 PKMS 找 Service#

AMS 寻找 Service 的方法是 ServiceLoopupResult目的是要找到 ServiceRecord,而 找到 ServiceRecord 主要透过 PKMS


    private ServiceLookupResult retrieveServiceLocked(Intent service,
            String instanceName, String resolvedType, String callingPackage,
            int callingPid, int callingUid, int userId,
            boolean createIfNeeded, boolean callingFromFg, boolean isBindExternal,
            boolean allowInstant) {

        // 每个Service都会转为ServiceRecord
        ServiceRecord r = null;

        ServiceMap smap = getServiceMapLocked(userId);

        // 组装ComponentName
        final ComponentName comp;

        if (instanceName == null) {    // 目前传入的instanceName是null
            comp = service.getComponent();
        } else {

            // 透過 Component 組裝 ComponentName
            final ComponentName realComp = service.getComponent();
            if (realComp == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't use custom instance name '" + instanceName
                        + "' without expicit component in Intent");
            comp = new ComponentName(realComp.getPackageName(),
                    realComp.getClassName() + ":" + instanceName);
        // 判断 ComponentName 结果
        if (comp != null) {
            r = smap.mServicesByInstanceName.get(comp);
        ... 省略部分
        if (r == null) {
            try {
                // 透过 PackageManager 找对对应的 Service
                ResolveInfo rInfo = mAm.getPackageManagerInternal().resolveService(service,
                    resolvedType, flags, userId, callingUid);
                ServiceInfo sInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.serviceInfo : null;
                if (sInfo == null) {
                    // 如果 PKMS 都找不到就直接返回 null
                    Slog.w(TAG_SERVICE, "Unable to start service " + service + " U=" + userId +
                          ": not found");
                    return null;
                ... 省略部分
            }  catch (RemoteException ex) {
                // 在同进程,所以一定不会发生
        if (r != null) {
            ... 省略部分
            return new ServiceLookupResult(r, null);
        return null;


    // Key 是 callingUser(int)
    final SparseArray<ServiceMap> mServiceMap = new SparseArray<>();

    private ServiceMap getServiceMapLocked(int callingUser) {
        // 尝试取得缓存
        ServiceMap smap = mServiceMap.get(callingUser);
        if (smap == null) {
            // 重新创建一个Service纪录对象
            smap = new ServiceMap(mAm.mHandler.getLooper(), callingUser);
            mServiceMap.put(callingUser, smap);
        return smap;

    final class ServiceMap extends Handler {
        final int mUserId;
        // 呼叫过的Service都会记录起来
        final ArrayMap<ComponentName, ServiceRecord> mServicesByInstanceName = new ArrayMap<>();
        ... 省略部分

mServiceMap 主要是透过 User 作为 Key,储存相对应的 ServiceMap,内部又有储存 ComponentName & ServiceRecord,当 User 呼叫过相同的 Service 就可以透过它取得 Service 的缓存

Service 启动入口 - startServiceInnerLocked#

    final ActivityManagerService mAm;

    ComponentName startServiceInnerLocked(ServiceMap smap, Intent service, ServiceRecord r,
            boolean callerFg, boolean addToStarting) throws TransactionTooLargeException {
        // 这也是Function有Locked关键字的关系
        synchronized (mAm.mProcessStats.mLock) {
            final ServiceState stracker = r.getTracker();
            if (stracker != null) {
                stracker.setStarted(true, mAm.mProcessStats.getMemFactorLocked(), r.lastActivity);
        r.callStart = false;
        final int uid = r.appInfo.uid;
        final String packageName =;
        final String serviceName =;
        ... 省略部分
        // 透过bringUpServiceLocked启动Service
        String error = bringUpServiceLocked(r, service.getFlags(), callerFg,
                false /* whileRestarting */,
                false /* permissionsReviewRequired */,
                false /* packageFrozen */,
                true /* enqueueOomAdj */);
bringUpServiceLocked判断 Process,若设为启动则透过 AMS 唤醒
bringDownServiceLocked取得连接该 Service 的所有联机,关闭 Service
bringUpServiceLocked 判断 Process 状态,若 Service 应在要所在的进程没有启动则透过 AMS 启动目标 Process

    private String bringUpServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r, int intentFlags, boolean execInFg,
            boolean whileRestarting, boolean permissionsReviewRequired, boolean packageFrozen,
            boolean enqueueOomAdj)
            throws TransactionTooLargeException {

        ... 省略判空、Log 訊息

        // 该Service是否隔离
        final boolean isolated = (r.serviceInfo.flags&ServiceInfo.FLAG_ISOLATED_PROCESS) != 0;

        // 获取Service要运行在哪个进程
        final String procName = r.processName;
        HostingRecord hostingRecord = new HostingRecord("service", r.instanceName);
        ProcessRecord app;

        if (!isolated) {
            // 1. 尝试透过AMS取得ProcessRecord对象
            app = mAm.getProcessRecordLocked(procName, r.appInfo.uid);
            if (app != null) { // ProcessRecord 存在
                final IApplicationThread thread = app.getThread();
                final int pid = app.getPid();
                final UidRecord uidRecord = app.getUidRecord();
                if (thread != null) {
                    try {
                        app.addPackage(r.appInfo.packageName, r.appInfo.longVersionCode,
                        // 2. realStartServiceLocked 真正启动 Service
                        realStartServiceLocked(r, app, thread, pid, uidRecord, execInFg,
                        return null;
                    } /* 省略 catch*/
        } else {
            ... 省略部分
        if (app == null && !permissionsReviewRequired && !packageFrozen) {
            // 目标process不存在就透过AMS#startProcessLocked启动
            if ((app = mAm.startProcessLocked(procName, r.appInfo, true, intentFlags,
                        hostingRecord, ZYGOTE_POLICY_FLAG_EMPTY, false, isolated)) == null) {
                ... 啟動失敗
                // 关闭Servcie
                bringDownServiceLocked(r, enqueueOomAdj);
                return msg;
            if (isolated) {
                r.isolatedProc = app;
        ... 省略部分

真正创建 Service - realStartServiceLocked#

透过 ProcessRecord 中的 thread(也就是 AcitivtyThread 内的 ApplicationThread 对象)呼叫 scheduleCreateService 方法


    private void realStartServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r, ProcessRecord app,
            IApplicationThread thread, int pid, UidRecord uidRecord, boolean execInFg,
            boolean enqueueOomAdj) throws RemoteException {

        // 设定目标Process
        r.setProcess(app, thread, pid, uidRecord);

        ... 省略部分

        // 取得目标进程内所有的Services
        final ProcessServiceRecord psr = app.mServices;

        final boolean newService = psr.startService(r);

        // 透过AMS调整OOM_ADJ的数值
        mAm.updateOomAdjLocked(app, OomAdjuster.OOM_ADJ_REASON_START_SERVICE);

        boolean created = false;
        try {


            final int uid = r.appInfo.uid;
            final String packageName =;
            final String serviceName =;


            // thread 是 App 端的 IApplicationThread


            created = true;
        } /* 省略 catch、finally */

        ... 省略部分


ActivityThread - APP 端处理 scheduleCreateService,会透过 MainHandler 传送 CREATE_SERVICE 到主线程,之后就会呼叫到 handleCreateService 方法


    private class ApplicationThread extends IApplicationThread.Stub {

        public final void scheduleCreateService(IBinder token,
                ServiceInfo info, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, int processState) {

            updateProcessState(processState, false);

            // 将需要的数据封装成CreateServiceData类
            CreateServiceData s = new CreateServiceData();
            s.token = token;    // Token 就是ServiceRecord类
   = info;        // 包有 Service 的 class name ... 等等信息
            s.compatInfo = compatInfo;

            // 透过Hander传送CREATE_SERVICE信息
            sendMessage(H.CREATE_SERVICE, s);


    class H extends Handler {

        public static final int CREATE_SERVICE  = 114;

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what) {

                case CREATE_SERVICE:


    private void handleCreateService(CreateServiceData data) {
        Service service = null;

        LoadedApk packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck(
      , data.compatInfo);

        try {

            Application app = packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation);


            // 透过LoadedApk创建Servcie对象
			// getAppFactory()=>创建的是AppComponentFactory对象
            service = packageInfo.getAppFactory()
                    .instantiateService(cl,, data.intent);

            // 创建对应的ContextImpl对象
            ContextImpl context = ContextImpl.getImpl(service
                    .createServiceBaseContext(this, packageInfo));

            // 呼叫 service#attach 方法
            service.attach(context, this,, data.token, app,

            // 呼叫 onCreate 方法

            try {
                // 通知AMS,Service创建成功
				// data.token就是ServiceRecord
                        data.token, SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_ANON, 0, 0);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

        } /* 省略 catch */

透过 LoadedApk 创建 Service 对象

    private AppComponentFactory mAppComponentFactory;

    public LoadedApk(ActivityThread activityThread, ApplicationInfo aInfo,
            CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, ClassLoader baseLoader,
            boolean securityViolation, boolean includeCode, boolean registerPackage) {
        mActivityThread = activityThread;
        // Default ApplicationInfo
        mApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();


        // 透过createAppFactory方法创建Factory
        mAppComponentFactory = createAppFactory(mApplicationInfo, mBaseClassLoader);

    public AppComponentFactory getAppFactory() {
        return mAppComponentFactory;

    private AppComponentFactory createAppFactory(ApplicationInfo appInfo, ClassLoader cl) {

        // 若有自定义Factory则透过反射创建
        if (mIncludeCode && appInfo.appComponentFactory != null && cl != null) {
            try {
                return (AppComponentFactory)
            } /* 省略部分 */

        // 预设Factory
        return AppComponentFactory.DEFAULT;

预设工厂 AppComponentFactory:透过ClassLoader#loadClass读取指定 Class,并透过反射创建指定类


public class AppComponentFactory {

    ... 省略部分

    public @NonNull Service instantiateService(@NonNull ClassLoader cl,
            @NonNull String className, @Nullable Intent intent)
            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
        // 透过ClassLoader#loadClass读取指定Class,并透过反射创建该类
        return (Service) cl.loadClass(className).newInstance();

    // 预设Factory
    public static final AppComponentFactory DEFAULT = new AppComponentFactory();
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